Mosaic form:
Authors: Agricola Aleksandr, Iside Bianchini, Fabiola Strada, Rebecca Sala, Nour Ouerfelli
Year of publication: 2019
Information about the work:
Peculiar title, isn't it?
But is the sea made up of pieces, or pieces making up the sea?
We don't know either, but because both hypotheses may be valid, if you think about it, there are indeed many small pieces, one side by side with the other, concretise into an image. However, it is also confident that the natural sea is now nothing more than a thickened mass composed of many plastic units, which remain invisible until they emerge in kilometre-long islands. However, underneath, in the deep, they bring devastation and death.
And so a fish is just a succubus floating creature, deprived of life by a human whim.
A seaweed has no chance to breathe and is not born; the only thing that endures is the sand, suffering and inanimate, accusing with a helpless eye the blows of man.
Our Panthalassa is not chocolate thickening by adding cocoa.
It is life, beauty and above all, it is the mother who embraces all lands.
That is why it is essential to reflect on the consequences of small daily actions because if from small things, great projects are born, from a small piece of plastic, an island is born and from a small voice in that of
Blevio, a new awareness can be born.
Lecturers: Tiziana Tettamanti and Como Raku by Luca Mandaglio
Technique used:
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