Mosaic form:
Authors: Students of Liceo Scientifico Paolo Giovio in Como, Italy
Year of publication: 2019
Information about the work:
Growing up with one's diversity and making it big with oneself is the only way to be oneself.
Why hide what one is and what makes us different behind stereotypical masks?
Diversity is often frightening because it is not the same as the idea of normal that our minds have created, an idea that is constantly changing from person to person.
Even our equality is different, so why persist in finding that equality and difference familiar to everyone? It is impossible; our differences make us equal; we all have them, and no one should hide them for fear of being different.
Just melt away the masks to be yourself.
Students: Anna Spettoli, Federica Pecoraro, Lisa Liscio, Serif Eker, Julya Gamage, Giusi Di Cataldo;
Lecturers: Tiziana Tettamanti and Como Raku by Luca Mandaglio.
Technique used:
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